Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Brocken Spectre

The weather had been perfect but as we neared the top a few clouds started to gather and the summit of Snowdon (3560 ft) was shrouded in mist when we arrived. It was a bit disappointing to see loads of people, a demolition site where the cafe once stood and no views!
As we finished our lunch the clouds lifted so we went to have another look towards Crib Goch to see if we could see Steve, Stuart and Lisa who were doing Snowdon the hard way. We didn't see them, but we did see something much more amazing........a Brocken Spectre. This is a shadow of oneself in the middle of a circular rainbow effect called the 'glory' and only occurs when looking down from a high mountain with the sun behind you and a misty cloud below. Local people there said it only happened about three times a year so we were definitely in the right place at the right time and we all felt amazed and privileged to have seen such a sight.

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